Prophetic Revelations & Visions
Paulus van Beek

Also if Daniel was commanded to understand the vision and consider it, then we are to do likewise! G-d's secrets are revealed to His servants the prophets to hear His counsel to cause people to hear His words, so that they shall  turn themselves from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings!
Surely the L-rd G-d will do nothing, but he revealed His secret unto His servants the prophets! (Amos 3:7) The mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets! Ancient Old {Covenant} Testaments Prophets often brought them before Kings. They spoke of great events that shaped the destiny of nations. The Prophet Elisha also used "his" powers to help an ordinary family. G-d's power & love are shown in quiet, as well as spectacular way!...Paul

My decision was firm...


My decision was firm. I vowed to the Lo-rd never to teach or write one thing that it could not prove with plain Scriptures. (In these web-site's, in his books or somewhere else!) Any interpretation which is out in harmony with what is plainly written in the Scriptures must be rejected as a theory of mankind! I also have learned that one must either believe what the Scriptures alone teach or spend his/her life wrestling with the confusing and varied interpretations, man-pleasing, and perplexing arrays of the doctrines of mankind. (Galatians 1:6-10)

I am sorry, but I do take G-d's Word as final authority! Since 1997 the L-rd has called me to preach the uncompromised Prophetic Word of G-d in every available place, proclaiming the truth of G-d's Word  and His unconditional love has been the focus and mission of God's Outreach Ministry Int. Yes, I had the privileged to  minister to over thousands of people in many services in several foreign nations inclusive the United States. Also I need clearly to understand how serious it is to guard the anointing of the L-rd during preparation for and during these meetings for ministry! ...Paul

If you have been inspired!?


If I have inspired you to study G-d's tremendous Word(s) with an open mind, and if the L-rd, through me has influenced you to take the Scriptures literally; and if these testimonies of prophetic revelations has made you hungry and thirsty for G-d, His Word and His anointing, than I (in Yeshua Messiah's Name) have accomplished the purpose I had in mind for you: That is to be a blessing and encouragement to your personal life! ...Paul

Operating in the Office of the Prophet
I will not have rest until...


Å Illustration: The Prophet Jeremiah escapes from the cistern! Operating in the Office of the Prophet I will not have rest until I have release the messages! Even I often have to risk my position as minister to be rejected or accepted! Part of the reason is that even my life is such a dangerous one because people will not always believe or accept the message you have to release as a Prophet! Especially when you have to predict bad future events for a specific Nation and Church people (suppose to be G-d's people!?) in that same Nation! The fact that what I have to predict, in G-d's terms and timing it aloud helped make it happen! It is not surprising me, that there on the day of today still are many "false prophets" including those who come with their well-pleasing compromising message to impress themselves; predicting peace and good times! It not only what the people want to hear, it is also what they ("want to") believe the "prophet" was helping bring out! In ancient Jewish OT times prophets appeared most often during difficult times in the life of the Hebrews. Both socially and politically, things were changing quickly! When the people of G-d(!) had begun to turn from G-d and His Teaching's (Laws) (Torah) and rely instead of warfare and wealth to make their lives pleasing. The prophets reminded them of their errors and consequences as results of their presumptuous lifestyle! There should be NO different from ancient prophet as the nowadays prophets! Just like the prophet Jeremiah, we live in a time when the heart of "G-ds people" inside the "Church walls" are hardened against the L-rd! Also today I have to speak the words of warning again, but it is fearful to know ahead of time that many people will refuse to listen! The release of serious warnings will go in the similar way as the ancient Prophets did to their Kings! Similar examples the L-rd allow me to use, mostly to clarify! Imagine yourself there with as a prophet  at the moment receiving an serious warning; prediction about terrible things  that going to happen in the very near future, and an important message in a form of a solution strait from the L-rd of all the universe! What do you want to tell the people and what would you want to pray about this moment?...Paul

ć Illustration: The Prophet Samuel warns the people!

Truth sometimes hurts!


Truth sometimes hurts! When it does we are tempted to want good news, even in spite off, it is not true. This is even foolish for ourselves! Similar case was with several Kings of Judah and their officials, inclusive the Priests! Just as today, times were filled with trouble, including the continue treat of captivity by a large foreign army. Just as today will feel the treat of "modern terrorism, natural disasters, etc. Like today, living under this dark cloud the Kings of Judah & Israel were anxious for good news that should assured him that all was well, giving him the good news he wanted so much! Foolish! Similar is going on today! For the largest part Christianity especially in this nation (United States of America) are foolish enough to do the same! Including those who come with their well-pleasing compromising message to impress predicting peace and good times! It not only what the people want to hear, it is also what they ("want to") believe! ...Foolish!
I want to continue to be loyal and bold to the L-rd and telling a un-
compromising message strait from Him only! That people, especially 'Church people' are finding themselves in a unhappy situation, responding with despise, neglect and rejection,......FINE! This occur when people wants only "good news" so much that they are willing to reject truth to get it! Comforting themselves, but it is foolish yourself! Truth may be good or bad news! We must learn to accept the truth, in spite even it is bad news, if we will expect long-range G-dly prosperity and protection in our lives! We need to have the Divine Wisdom and discernment to reject supposal "good news", for the truth alone has to come only from YHVH!      ...Paulus van Beek

About Paul - shortly...


Paul van Beek is the founder/President of God's Outreach Ministry Int. Inc., which include also the Prophet Office; Streams of Heaven; and  End Time Harvest Revival!
Paul is devoted to release the prophetic message of encouragement, repentance, and
Revival to the Churches, to the lost souls throughout numerous foreign countries. As a recognized minister, with authority to preach the Gospel of Messiah Yeshua, {Jesus Christ}
Paul van Beek is born in 1959 at Heerlen, from origin a Roman City
" (Corriovallum), the very south of the Netherlands; Close to the 3-front section of the Netherlands, Belgium & Germany. (West-Europe)
At the age of 14 years Paul became a new born Christian. Since that time G-d never stopped teaching Paul about the principles of His Kingdom. Paul has always carried a strong burden for the ministry and is called to the
office of a prophet and evangelist. After a long period of education in the Word of G-d in their church in Belgium, they went out to the nations to fulfill their destiny!

Paul has studies for about 20 years Christian Doctrines; about 4 years Judaism, there he has a Jewish inheritance back from his Great grand mother at fathers side. ( Huguenots) Paul is teaching the Word of YHVH from a Hebrew perspective and a more from a Eastern mindset that classic standard Western thinking, which can be in conflicting sometime with the real understanding of the (Hebrew & Greek) Word of YHVH. He still loves to study the Word of G-d.

Fulfilling his calling...Discernment & Recognition...


His anointed sermons point sinners to salvation and deep repentance and motivate Christians to exercise their authority over the enemy by realizing their position in Yeshua Messiah! Paul believes that modern Christianity is not just something you experience only on Sunday-morning or on Shabbat Shalom; it is a daily fellowship with Yeshua Messiah! Through anointed Prophetic & Biblical-based preaching's, Paul is bringing G-d's message of hope and encourage to this generation! A straight message that cuts through all denominational barriers and transcends human hypocrisy and frailty, traditions & religion and reaches the heart of mankind! It happened often that Paul point prophetically to people who are, through the eyes of G-d, able to do the work of the Kingdom of YHVH. So far as known, very precise in what, how and which kind of function and anointing! He will be alert, when G-d points out people! It is of essential importance to have the ability to hear, discern &  obey the voice of the Holy Spirit {Roach HaKodesh}!

Paul has proven his love, commitment, and understanding of the ministry of the prophet by self-sacrifice and his own personal experience as a gifted prophetic voice! Remarkable is that he is a voice 'crying out of the wilderness' the prophetic expression through his 'fair' and balanced web-site of the Prophet Office, thereby giving an opportunity to many people to hear & read the deep secrets of G-d fresh from Heaven!

Obviously pride and presumptuous lifestyles are not in order with G-d! Because of the wickedness also into this nation of America "people of G-d" or what they proclaim to be in America refuse to listen to Him, [ their own prestige and desires, they shall become useless! Many of them were once real God's own people, who honored His Holy Name and brought Glory to Him, but now they are refusing to listen to His voice, His messengers...His prophets ...and become stiff-necked, prideful & presumptuous! It is important, as prophets, to release a serious sign of warning to remind them today of coming disasters that will come to pass, as a response of sowing, and sowing and sowing the seeds of evil! (See more at site: Awake America!…)
Picture: "Captivity" is the result of the evil seed that was sawed in many years!

The earth itself is going to expel the evil that has been sown in it and it is also going to purge itself of everything that hinders it from being prepared for the age to come! Like World War II and now the nowadays President of Iran; in many ways was a manifestation of the nature of evil that is growing in man, as well as a dress rehearsal for what will be faced in even greater ways in the end!


Over the years, Paul has delivered many Scripture-based Prophetic teachings about faith, love, healing, redemption, righteousness, the call & destiny of G-d over your life, the anointing and the principles of the Kingdom of YHVH. In order to bring as many people as possible the great news that Yeshua,  Is L-rd! It continues to be Paul's privilege to preach the Gospel at every available possibility, such as local meetings, at Conferences, throughout the Internet Ministries web-site's!


Because of Paul light West European accent he experienced prejudice among the more American Churches. Prejudice is a form of discrimination that its roots have from mostly pride! It causes people to distort, or even ignore the facts that is in conflict with their predetermined opinions, without any knowledge of the facts; but just by assuming! Prejudice may have its beginning in seemingly innocent, but it is misguided; with a wrong mentality, without a real reason, but more in a

different way of (wrong) opinions. It may be sown by those who deliberately promote warped or miss-understanding, not having the willingness even to try to understand views of other races, cultures, religions, denominational differences! It is evil 'product' of inordinate pride! A [self-confident] 'fool' has no delight in understanding but only in revealing his personal opinions {and} himself. (Proverbs 18:2)


End-Time-Harvest-Revival & Prophecies Predicted since 2005

Paul van Beek





Prophecies 2015


A devastating by hurricane will come all the way alongside the east coast of America.

The ability to receive more of His Divine Light

Likewise Philip! {Acts 8} You are going to experience Divine transfers by My Spirit, Messiah's appearance



Israel will be in war with Iran upcoming spring 2014  
The Divine End Time Army Divisions of G-d!

ME MORE-AND I " By Apostle Catharina Schouten-Meijer.
Lakeland Exposed!
Hosea's merciful words after betrayal!
Vision for the Church
Hezekiah's Revival
Neglect Ministers

Yeshua Messiah is going to clean His Temple"!
God's Tolerance!
Awake Lakeland!
Prediction Revivals Lakeland- P v Beek
Awake America!
Clothes of humility Important conditions Humility!
California Disaster & Devastation
Church of G-d; Lakeland; FL,...A numbered of people in your church
The Father's Love Letter
Vision over the State of Florida by Cindy Jacobs


A Fresh Epiphany!   DR. Clarice Fluitt; Prediction 2000!
The Outpouring isn't over!   by Silvia Jackson
Imperial Lakeland

Remembrance of the Lakeland Outpouring 2008

Need for Divine wisdom & discernment!
Painful process!

Date Revealed

Prophetic Revelation Related Sources


Related to " End-Time-Harvest-Revival " 

Update: Lakeland; FL Saturday, January 02, 2016 03:41:09 PM   Paul van Beek
Ministry Request Form
on Word File or Ministry invitation at your location!
A devastating by hurricane will come all the way alongside the east coast of America. Expected in September 2016; Around Elul 29???, a devastation by hurricane/Huge storm will come all the way alongside the east coast of America.
It's coming soon; even G-d can postponed certain disasters in order to give time to repent, to prepare, to intercede;
It's His grace, mercy...
I can't; I will not: I do not want to dare to put the L-rd G-d in a certain...
Time limited "box".. He
is in control...

This will effects the food, water and gas supply for a longer period of time. Probably, Martial Law will enforce in the effective areas. It similar as hurricane Sandy, but that hurricane was 200-300 from the east coast. The eye of this hurricane will be only a few miles from the east coast probably can reach force 4 and will effect inland area's as well with  tornadoes.  Its track will begin at the Miami; Florida area and will move North parallel with the East-coast all the way the the Washington DC and New York area. The eye of the hurricane will mainly move Northwards over the warmer coastal waters!

Likewise Philip! {Acts 8} You are going to experience Divine transfers by My Spirit, by the "speed of thoughts". I am going to use more and more of my faithfully elected saints who became "over-comers" and loyal unto Me. I am going to send them to places, where they are needed and greater manifestation from Heaven will come to pass through these elected saints. They come and go as it please them and Me. Unlimited!  Be prepared for Divine visitations!  This was even become "common" at the time of the Apostles!


You are going to experience these Divine transfers as quit normal...  I send you to place where you're needed. Even places where you normally cannot come easy. It is already happening and it will occur more and more as you more and more  active in these End time.


In places where enemies forces had surrounded certain Area's.. Isis had surrounded villages, groups of people in hostile environments, but also in prisons, jails, and even death-camps. Also in Churches, underground Churches and in places of nations that is hostile to Christians.

ME and MORE and I!
by Apostle Catharina Schouten-Meijer
ME and MORE and I! ........................

Apostle Catharina Schouten-Meijer
shares a profound
Prophetic word & warning of the L-rd and it is very profound!    Rev. Paul van Beek / Prophet Office
I am waiting for those who want to step out of Babylon and its evil ways. I want My sons to come visible so I can speak and gather My Holy remnant! But what I see is people who are obsessed with ME and MORE and I!.............

November 2013


Israel will be in war with Iran upcoming  2015
Based on information, and
Prophetic vision of YHVH;


Some comments from other sources: 


In a rare public appearance and even rarer comment on current affairs, former US President George Bush said that he "won't believe in Iran's peaceful intentions until they actually prove them." Bush said he doubts whether Iran's "intentions" toward Israel will change until there is a "change of government in Tehran." Bush was a surprise guest at a dinner marking the 50th anniversary of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. (Ha'aretz)(2013)Source: JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel


PM Binyamin Netanyahu said on NBC's Meet the Press Sunday that the result of the current negotiations between Western nations and the Iranian regime must be nothing less than "the full dismantling of Iran's military nuclear program." Netanyahu responded to a report last week that the Obama administration is considering a proposal to ease economic sanctions on Tehran by giving it access to billions of dollars in frozen funds, in exchange for limited Iranian concessions regarding its nuclear program. "I think the pressure has to be maintained on Iran, even increased on Iran, until it actually stops the nuclear program, that is, dismantles it," Netanyahu said. He warned that "any partial deal could end up in dissolving the sanctions" since there are many countries around the world who are "just waiting for a signal to get rid of their sanctions regime" against Iran. Source: JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel

Have you heard about the "blood moons"
coming in 2014 and 2015?


Might they herald an event of prophetic biblical significance?
On Passover 2014 the first of a series of mysterious astronomical events will occur that will have the whole world looking up at the night skies.

The story begins in 2008 when Hebrew roots Pastor Mark Biltz made an astounding discovery – a story broken first in WND.

Biltz had been studying prophecies that focus on the sun and moon, even going back to the book of Genesis where it states the lights in the sky would be "be for signs, and for seasons."

"It means a signal, kind of like 'one if by land, two if by sea.' It's like God wants to signal us," he said. "The Hebrew word implies ... not only is it a signal, but it's a signal for coming or His appearing."



  • April 15, 2014 – Passover
  • October 8, 2014 – Feast of Tabernacles
  • April 4, 2015 – Passover
  • September 28, 2015 – Feast of Tabernacles

In 1493, the four blood moons occurred on the Hebrew holidays of Passover and the Feast of Trumpets. This signified the beginning of the fall of Spain following the expulsion of the Jews a year earlier and was God’s announcement to the world that “the mantle of prosperity had thusly been placed on the shoulders of the infant nation that would become the United States” since it became a refuge for the Jewish people


The second appearance of four blood moons appearing on Hebrew holy days was 1949-1950. They occurred on Passover and the Feast of Tabernacles and coincided with Israel being declared a nation.

The third occurrence was in 1967-1968, when the Six-Day War took place, uniting the city of Jerusalem for the first time in 2,000 years – a monumental prophetic event, writes John Hagee. Source: WND


Personally I believe the first is related to the upcoming war on Iran to stop these mad medullas from nuclear disaster. 

More coming soon!  Paul van Beek

Updated in detailed

“The Repentance "
Deborah's-of the End-Time”
300-Gideon-soldiers-warriors' of the End-Time"
Over-comers by the Blood of the End-Time"
Mantle of Humility-carriers"
The End-Time-
Children's movement


The Divine End Time Army Divisions of

Are there (7) new Divine Army Divisions of YHVH's  Outpouring is coming!? I believe waves like the ocean which do have its waves which will follow up on each other! Each "wave" will have their "own identity"! G-d will activate them in a supernatural way; above their own abilities!
Some movements will come separate, some will come "overlapping" others follow up each other very fast!
Names to these Outpouring movement are also Divine Army Divisions of YHVH of the LAST DAYS!  These are given according the Biblical figures that played a role in their Ancient time in Israel! The names by themselves are recognizable according their
Scriptural identification with the Anointing Outpouring-Divisions! Name's could be different pronounced for the same kind of Divisions. It is just trying to  keep it simple! The number of Divisions does not refer to the chronological way of outpouring! They can come any time!

The purpose is to fulfill G-d’s perfect will, being selected specific carriers  of G-d’s Holy anointed oil – the anointing of the Holy Spirit – with power! That sacred anointing flowed through the Disciples and believers of the First Century Church, releasing a Divine capability – a power and authority they never had experienced before! The same Holy anointing is what we must have flowing, unlimited, unhindered, in these last days! Without it, we will continue to stay in the position of weakness, powerless and impotent! It is because of the anointing that ‘every yoke’ will be broken and destroyed! The anointing of the Holy Spirit is G-d’s seal upon our life! 


Lakeland Exposed!

Self-examination consists in looking at your lives, in considering your actions, in calling up the past, and learning its true character. General confessions of sin will never do and it smells more to hypocrites! There are a lot of things going on behind the “Screens”, which normally as humans we cannot reveal. But it is by the power of G-d supernatural manners that the corruption and violence ways of working by leaders in Government places and involved in the social system of the Lakeland society will be exposed! Not only G-d will expose their wrong secret actions, but expose the persons in question as well! G-d will do in the same way for the leadership in Lakeland’s Churches & Ministries!


I urge you your self-examination, which consists in looking at your own lives, in considering your actions, and learning its true character! Not just only by your words, but with your actions! Your sins were committed and as far as you can come at them, they ought to be reviewed and repented all of them! You need to be real with G-d! ...Paul


Hosea's merciful words after betrayal!

See for more for "Hosea" at Ancient Prophets

Hosea told of his wife that betrayed him. But he loved her and had taken her back into his house. "In the same way", said Hosea, "G-d has not deserted his own people when they had turned to false gods!" Hosea married a woman named Gomer. She ran away from Hosea and went after other men, other lovers! She broke their marriage covenant. For material goods and food, she sold herself and shamed her husband Hosea.
Hosea said, first to himself and also to others! He wanted an official divorce. "No, Gomer is not my wife anymore and I am not her husband! Hosea was angry and wounded in his heart. He was full of grief for what his wife has done unto him!


But then the L-rd spoke to Hosea and said: "Take her back again. Go after her, Hosea. Find her sitting in her sin; wash her; bring her into your home again and love her. Your love alone can help her and save her from disaster!"

!" cried the L-rd to the prophet Hosea! "This!" cried also the prophet Hosea before all the people of Israel! "This is what happens between you and Me," said the L-rd. "For you are My wife, and I am your husband." said the L-rd!.... It the grace of the L-rd Most high,...still there for you!...If you reach out to Him! But we
are running out of time!

Updated 12/28/2009

Vision for the Church...

Vision for a local Church;
Lakeland; Florida…


During a worship of the second meeting (Sunday 28 January 2007 at a local Church in Lakeland) I saw in the Spirit-ground a different picture, than you can see usually the sanctuary. Just on the front platform I saw the Ark of the Covenant placed in the middle. There was a High-priest with the smoke of intercession of the saints and several other priests in ancient priest clothing’s. They were worshipping and bowing down before the ancient ark of the Covenant! Then I saw a crowd of people in white (priest) clothing worshipping around this ark and still inside the church building. It seems to be that everything was lifted up into Heavenly atmospheres! It was a super-natural event, which I can not comprehend with my natural and carnal nature! In some way I saw that all this worshippers were touching the Merci-seat of the ark with both hands.......

Sad about this is that the Pastor of this specific Churches never responded! So They have missed the opportunities of G-d to be blessed!  Foolish Pastors!


Teaching & Revelation
Based out:
2 Chronicles 29

Hezekiah's Revival Restoration Worship!

The many that were unclean from the various tribes at the of the Passover, for they had no time to become ceremonially clean. Hezekiah, the King prayed for them that G-d would pardon under these circumstances, and He did. G-d not only forgave them of this trespass, but He healed their bodies, or at least kept them from dying for their uncleanness, as in Leviticus 15:31; 2 Chronicles 30:18-20.
It reveals the apostasy of the remnant of the ten tribes showed the sincerity of their consecration and the depths of the revival sweeping over Judah at King Hezekiah's time!
The apostasy of people nowadays reveals that those who will remain in captivity of the enemy because they ignore & reject G-d’s Messengers!  Revival  is based on G-dly principles and in grace, and is not limited in Church denominational barriers! No one can claim
Revival  for themselves and steal the Glory from G-d for themselves! Revival belongs to God only! It is a "move" from G-d!


Neglect Ministers

Neglect Ministers
Already G-d is reveling certain things through His Prophets!
See at:
Related Ministry:
"The perfect storm"
ABOVE this site!

When Church leaders refuses to receive His messengers and helping them along their way! When there is lack of love for one another, seeing the potential not anymore through each other instead through the eyes of G-d! Refusing and unwilling to understand the potential of G-d in them! Consequently it will result to the failure of the ministry and being determent for the rise and fall of many souls! It is through His anointed messengers we all are able to find the Holy Spirit Who leads us into all truth and to the Messiah, the Living Son of G-d! It will be too costly to neglect this! Coming soon!

Yeshua Messiah
is going to clean
His Temple



How long will G-d tolerate the evil doings into  our Churches. We call it "Christianity". G-d thinks different than we do!
And Jesus {Yeshua} went into the temple of {Hashem-YHVH} G-d, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves... (Matthew 21:12)  He is well-pleased to receive you, when you seek the face of the Father {YHVH} before His throne. But it makes Him sad that there are people in His temple, who are coming before the Throne of G-d and they are not prepared. They haven't cleansed themselves by the precious Blood of Yeshua Messiah. They haven't surrendered with a true heart to confess their unrighteousness. They come before the Throne of the Father, but their clothes aren't clean! They come with their minds made up, taking with them their arrogantly, pride and presumptuous lifestyle! When there are dissensions, competitions, and jealousies among leaders. When there is lack of Christian (brotherly) love and living hypocritical life’s! When the Church is careless; stupid & blind concerning state of the lost souls! Than there is a great need for a Revival! Contrasts – Repercussions for  making your right or wrong choice!


How long will G-d tolerate the evil doings into this Nation, that supposed to be a Christian Nation? Revelation from inside Church walls.    G-d is willing to settle the differences between us! There is a command to remain, to continue, to dwell, and abide in Yeshua Messiah! The reason is given here because you will be powerless to produce fruit if you do not abide in Him. And much more!


Awake Lakeland!


is on it's way!

To the Churches and Ministries of Lakeland; Florida, that ignore and neglect the prophets, and despise them which are sent unto you, how often would G-d have gathered G=d’s people together, and they refused even to listen and hardened their hearts! Keeping yourself “protected” within your own Denominational walls! Now your “house” is becoming desolate. You became “Out of order”, still you will repent and confess the words: “Blessed is he that comes in the Name of the L-rd!” Since Lakeland’ today’s Churches and Ministries have not met the nearby any of the conditions still blessings are waiting when these simple conditions are met! Likewise Jeremiah he was confronted with backsliding and the dangers of apostasy of ancient Jerusalem. He was a radical prophet having continuous open warfare with G-d’s own people! His theme seems to be that of judgment without mercy for those who become apostates and defy G-d. The purpose is to make clear of the consequences of sin and apostasy; to reveal to them their own future in the plan of G-d for man; and to emphasize the fact that the destiny of every man is determined by his conformity or lack of conformity to G-d and His plan! This need to be taken for serious consideration in the same way for today’s Churches and Ministries in this City! (Example-City)


Awake America!...

In this vision I am allowed to reveal things where natural disasters who had hit the United States of America. Just in the  past Hurricane Katrina & Rita did and on his destructive path! Again an other Hurricane Wilma was as the record monster storm in the Atlantic ever recorded is a serious treat for the Caribbean and for Florida! There is a patron and a strategic way of working! Was not G-d shaking the United States to get awake!?


26 September 07

The clothes of humility

Opgewaardeerd op 26 September 2007!op verzoek

Het kleed van "ootmoedigheid"!

Humility is not related to poverty, but to a broken spirit; accomplished through G-d’s dealings and signified as a person submitted to G-d! There are  numbered of G-d's appointed people in  & more outside the church who had paid the price! They have lifted up their vision in a higher dimension! They are sent to the lost souls; to the rebellious children among G-d’s people! They are the real sons & daughters of G-d!


Mensen die een kleed dragen van ootmoedigheid! Zij hebben een ziel en een hart die puur is! Zij hebben de gehoorzaamheid tot de waarheid, het onderscheidings vermogen om de stem van de Heilige Geest direct te kunnen herkennen! Ootmoedigheid of nederigheid is niet in verband te brengen met 'armoede', maar een gebroken geest, volbrengt doorheen G-d's manier van werken en kenmerkt als een persoonlijkheid overgegeven aan G-d! In de ogen van G-d draagt U juist dan een kleed overdekt met Zijn G-ddelijke genade refererend naar een veel hogere vorm van geestelijke autoriteit! Het gaat eveneens boven onze gelimiteerde manier van denken! Daar is een bepaalde groep met G-d's aangewezen mensen in maar meer buiten de kerkmuren die een hoge prijs hebben betaald! Zij hebben hun visie naar een hogere niveau gebracht! Zij zijn gezonden naar de verloren zielen; naar de kinderen van rebellie onder G-d's mensen! Zij zijn de ware 'zonen' & 'dochters' van G-d!

04/07/2005 California Disaster

A water flood coming from the East!

I saw a great flood of water coming from the East (NOT from the West, what most people expected)  deep out of the wells of the Earth, what will results in disaster and devastation for many people in the State of California! G-d will give a warning to His people and give a way of protection! But so many times Christians are so ignorant to neglect & reject the warnings of G-d through His Prophets! Like Florida in 2004 has to deal with the hurricanes, so has California to deal with the floods!

10/01/2004 Church of G-d; Lakeland; FL
A numbered of people in your church…Revival?
"Christians" are so ignorant or neglect the knockings of the Holy Spirit...?
The Father's Love Letter ©♪ The Words you are about to experience are truth! They will change your life...if you let them! For they come from the very heart of God! He who loves you and He is the Father {YHVH} where you been looking for all your life! This is His love-letter to you!  ©♪
Barry & Ann Adams ©♪ Authors of "The Father's Love Letter" (Placed with permission)
Vision over the State of Florida by Cindy Jacobs


Releasing the Prophetic Vision over the State of Florida by Cindy Jacobs

Saturday, July 9, 2006;
Champions Gate; Haines City at "Champions Gate Suite" of Omni Resort.
Releasing the Prophetic Vision over the State of Florida by Cindy Jacobs in short terms:
A Fresh Epiphany!

Prophetic Vision 2000!
with permission
DR. Clarice Fluitt

Also related to the Revival Healing Outpouring in Lakeland 2008

A Fresh Epiphany!

I saw the heavens and they were as a transparent green emerald stone. All around me was a brilliant green jewel-like Heaven that had a life of its own.......As I watched the vision, I understood that a fresh epiphany was being released upon the earth for restoring the souls of men. The season for signs and wonders - never known before - was upon us, and it would begin in Florida.   
Author: Clarice Fluitt
January 2006

Also related to the
Revival Healing Outpouring
in Lakeland 2008
Battle line

Rev. Grace Warnock is a "Intercessor-warrior" with a heart for the nations and for "City Transformation" and carries a great love and call to prayer for the nation of Israel! The L-rd has instructed her to begin a "House of Prayer for All Nations" and to help raise up an army of intercessors who will "stand in the gap" for the land and become a "Prophetic and Apostolic voice" to this generation and the generations to come!
The Word of the L-rd: “The battle lines”: “
The battle lines are being drawn in
the Spirit. It is time for the women of G-d to rise up and declare war on the enemy!  The battle is raging; the winds are blowing fiercely, but My army is rising to the occasion!”…By  Rev. Grace Warnock
The Outpouring Lakeland 2008
isn't over!

by Silvia Jackson
The Outpouring Lakeland 2008 is not over!   by Silvia Jackson

I saw a great revival beginning in Central Florida, the Heart of Florida. The Outpouring isn't over. There is a remnant of fire burning as an ember and it is about to be ignited. It is about to begin; His timing is complete. It will be known as a grassroots movement¯ It seemed to begin not in just one church, but a few. The fire infected the people, and they took it from one church to another. There will be hundreds of churches infected with the fire of G-d. Even the most conservative churches became infected and some didn't know how to handle it. see for more....
Imperial Lakeland
Also related to the
Revival Healing Outpouring
in Lakeland 2008
Released by Rev. Grace Warnock
Intercessors Group Lakeland
Imperial Lakeland

Except the L-rd build the house, they labor in vain that build it: except the L-rd keep the city, the watchman wakes but in vain. (Psalm 127:1)
All works of men built independent of G-d are vain. This psalm teaches man to depend on G-d for success in building lasting things—whether houses, families, businesses, national security, or anything else.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. (Proverbs 29:2)  When the wicked are in power the righteous retire; when the righteous rule godliness is revived!
Related to the Revival Healing Outpouring in Lakeland 2008 Related to the Healing Outpouring Revival in Lakeland 2008 there a 2 page describing the things what happen during this time of Outpouring of G-d in Lakeland. These pages are NOT active anymore, just historical facts!
Page 1     Page 2

Arafat's  death!...Predicted!

He died on 11/11/2004 under suspicious circumstances!
The real cause of his death is kept in secret! This
prophetic message came out as it is described! (All news papers!)


Need for Divine wisdom & discernment!
Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser…


Give a hint to the wise; teach a just man and both will profit. A wise man never brags on his education, knowledge, or experience, nor display his wisdom! It is foolish telling everybody how “wise” you should be, parading all he knows! Shame will come as response of through pride! Most case they are blind to God's judgments and reject it! By pride comes contention and strife between men and even nations, but those who hear wise counsel will act wisely and suppress it! A man may outwardly depart from evil yet love it in his heart, but to hate it he must have Divine wisdom! 

God made Himself very clear in dealing with His own people, declaring in language they could understand that if they would obey Him they would be blessed and protected, and that if they did not, they would be wearing the consequences of it!  Whole chapters in the Scriptures are devoted to the details of blessings and cursing's; there are no excuses for misunderstanding (Leviticus 26; Deuteronomy 28). It is plainly repeated again: “If you will not hear you will go into captivity” (Jeremiah 13:17-19). Many today, like Judah in Jeremiah's time, are lulled to sleep by the idea that God cannot and will not curse and damn the soul of one who backslides and lives in sin!

God is able to abase the proud! (Daniel 4:37).
God is a revealer of secrets! (Daniel 2:47).
Pride is the cause of downfalls and goes before destruction! (Daniel 4:28-37) (Proverbs 16:18) 
A haughty spirit goes before a fall! (Proverbs 16:18) 
That the wise men of earth are incapable of solving human problems (Daniel 2:2-13; 4:4-8)

Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding. (Proverbs 9:8-10)  The wise in heart will receive commandments: but a prating fool shall fall. (Proverbs 10:8) In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding. (Proverbs 10:13) Whoso loved instruction loved knowledge: but he that hated reproof is brutish. (Proverbs 12:1) A prudent man concealed knowledge: but the heart of fools proclaimed foolishness. (Proverbs 12:23) Wisdom rested in the heart of him that hath understanding: but that which is in the midst of fools is made known. (Proverbs 14:33) 

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. (Proverbs 15:3) But if ye will not hear it, my soul shall weep in secret places for your pride; and mine eye shall weep sore, and run down with tears, because the Lord's flock is carried away captive. (Jeremiah 13:17) 

We have heard the pride of Moab, (he is exceeding proud) his loftiness, and his arrogancy, and his pride, and the haughtiness of his heart. (Jeremiah 48:29) The pride of Moab—he is exceeding proud; his loftiness; his arrogance and the haughtiness of his heart!


Painful process!


In a real Revival consists in the return of the Church and their people from her backsliding and apostasy state! In this kind of state - Churches are not able to awakened and have revival right away without first deep serious and honest searching's of their own hearts! By the coming End Time Revival  people of G-d, who had visit the places of Revival, are coming under such a conviction of the Holy Spirit, that they can see the state of their own hearts and their own sins, whatever it could be, under such a Light that they are going to realize under great conviction  their "far distance relationship" with G-d! A new sacrificial attitude toward G-d. A new beginning and new acceptance with G-d is just born! This is a painful process! While they were still in backslidden state their were blind to their own state of sin! In this revival many will come out of their backslidden state and renew their love of G-d in their hearts! The Revival-Fire  is burning in their hearts and they are changed dramatically! They have got a new foretaste of the Fire strait from Heaven! (Picture refers to total brokenness! Ingredients for Revival Experience)

Graphic Design
Other related Information sources also out of:
Dake's Annotated Reference Bible. ( ) (Scripture - KJV)
Comprehensive Commentary Commentary Application Study Bible
Amplified Bible;
(Scripture - Amp.) (in some note's )
Orthodox Jewish Bible
(Scripture - OJB)
One New Man Bible
God’s Outreach Ministry Int. Inc. © Research Center

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