Jewish Expressions
Jewish Scriptural Information

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Jewish important Expressions & Customs
The Hebrew language uses different letters than English, so you will frequently see Hebrew words spelled in a variety of ways!
This site is constantly in progress for adding information!



Agadah stories in the Talmud on moral values
Agnostic someone who is unsure whether or not there is a G-d
The altars from generations on Mount Moriah... (Rambam [Hil. Beis HaBechirah 2:2]) comments:  There was a traditions that the altars of David & Solomon, of Abraham {where he bound Isaac, Genesis 22:2} of Noah, of Cain, and Abel, and of Adam were all at the same place: Mount Moriah; the site of the Temple in Jerusalem. Source: The Chumash: The Stone Edition,

Amidah prayer with 18 blessings to G-d
Anti-Semitism First coined in 1897 by German philosopher Wilhelm Marr to denote hatred of Jews; the term literally means opposed to Semites (which would include Arabic and other semitic peoples as well), but was invented specifically in reference to Jews and is most often applied specifically to opposition to Jews.
Ark of the covenant cupboard where the Torah and other scrolls are stored in synagogues

Original inside the Ark of the Covenant were the 2 stones tables with the 10 commandments of G-d given to Moses; the staff of Aaron since the dessert-wandering during the Exodus from Egypt!

Aron hakodesh focal point of the synagogue containing the Torah scrolls (also called the ark)
Ashkenazim Jews whose ancestors came from Central and Eastern Europe
Atheist person who does not believe in a god
Atonement reconciling oneself with G--d!

No mortal eye but that of the high priest was to look upon the inner apartment of the sanctuary {Holy of Holies}. Only once a year {Atonement; Yon Kippur}could the priest enter there, and that after the most careful and solemn preparation. With trembling he went in before G-d, and the people in reverent silence awaited his return, their hearts uplifted in earnest prayer for the Divine blessing. Before the mercy seat the high priest made the atonement for Israel; and in the cloud of glory, G-d met with him. His stay here beyond the accustomed time filled them with fear, lest because of their sins or his own he had been slain by the Glory of the L-rd.


Bar mitzvah
marks a boy coming to maturity in religious terms
Bat chayil marks a girl coming of age
Bat mitzvah marks a girl coming to maturity in religious terms
Bet din court chaired by a rabbi
Bet ha knesset Synagogue; Jewish place of worship
Bet Hayyin place where funerals are held
Bimah raised platform in the synagogue where the Torah is read from
Birkat kohanim; See for more at: "Priestly Blessing"


  • The luminaries are signs of G-d's greatness:
    The heavenly "bodies" are constants reminders of G-d’s Omnipotence.
    They sometimes diverge from their natural course to comply with His Divine will, [as when the sun stopped for Joshua
    (Joshua 10: 12– 13).   
    The Hebrew word for “sign” is “owth”, which also translates as “signals.” Based on the
    Scripture, G-d uses the sun, moon, and stars as signals to mankind. (Genesis 1: 14)
    The “Four Blood Moons” is recorded history in
    Scripture, and NASA-science; to explore the significance of astronomical events
    It may directly impact not only the nation of Israel but possibly all of mankind!
    The “Four Blood Moons” have occurred on the Hebrew Holy days of Passover & Sukkoth only three times in the last 500 years!
    The “Four Blood Moons” discusses these three incredible monumental historical & prophetical events in detail:
    G-d will use them to light up the heavens with an urgent, top-priority message for all mankind!
    The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the L-rd.
    (Joel2: 31)

  • The Prophetical  & Scientifically {NASA} four "blood-moons"!?

           Passover, April 15; 2014
           Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets September 25 2014 BEGIN of Shemittah year!
           Feast of Tabernacles; October 8, 2014
           Passover, April 4; 2015
           Harbinger around Elul 29
           Rosh Hashanah/Feast of Trumpets September 13 2015 END of Shemittah year!
           Feast of Tabernacles;, September 28, 2015

    “Blood Moons” discusses these three incredible historical events in detail:

    1. 1493-1494 — This tetrad followed the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.
    2. 1949-1950 — This tetrad followed the re-establishment of the state of Israel in 1948.
    3. 1967-1968 — The beginning of this tetrad occurred right before the beginning of the Six Day war in 1967.

    Go to "Download" for obtaining a free PowerPoint presentation; Illustration source: Book John Hagee/ Four Blood Moons

Brit milah Hebrew for circumcision


person who sings important parts of services in the synagogues
Challah braided loaf used at the Shabbat meal
Cheder school at a synagogue
Circumcision removal of a boy's foreskin
They are the only part of the Law of Moses spoken by G-d's audible voice to Israel (Deuteronomy. 5:22; 10:4). Then G-d spoke all these words: (Exodus 20:1; Amplified Bible) I am the L-rd your G-d, Who has brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. (Exodus 20:2) 


1.     You shall have no other gods before {or} besides Me. You shall not make yourself any graven image [to worship it] or any likeness of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; (Exodus 20:3,4)
2.        You shall not bow down yourself to them or serve them; for I the L-rd your G-d am a jealous G-d, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me (Exodus 20:5)
3. But showing mercy {and} steadfast love to a thousand generations of those who love Me and keep My commandments. (Exodus 20:6)
4. You shall not use {or} repeat the name of the L-rd your G-d in vain [that is, lightly or frivolously, in false affirmations or profanely]; for the L-rd will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain. (Exodus 20:7)
5. [Earnestly] remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy (withdrawn from common employment and dedicated to  G-d). Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the L-rd your G-d; in it you shall not do any work, you, or your son, your daughter, your manservant, your maidservant, your domestic animals, or the sojourner within your gates. For in six days the L-rd made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. That is why the L-rd blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it [set it apart for His purposes]. (Exodus 20:8-11)
6. Regard (treat with honor, due obedience, and courtesy) your father and mother that your days may be long in the land the L-rd your G-d gives you. (Exodus 20:12)
7. You shall not commit murder  (Exodus 20:13)
8. You shall not commit adultery. (Exodus 20:14)
9. You shall not steal. (Exodus 20:15)
10. You shall not witness falsely against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's house, your neighbor's wife, or his manservant, or his maidservant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor's. (Exodus 20:16,17)

Seven Noahic laws:




Concentration camps organized by the Nazis in World War II for the extermination of the Jews and other groups they disapproved of
Covenant promise made by G-d to care for the Jewish people
Creation Book: The book of Creation:
Abraham the Patriarch four thousand years ago, who wrote a book called Sefer Yetzira The Book of Creation.
("Sefer Yetzira", 18th century B.C., the abridged version)

Part 1: 1. The Divine force established its rule, might, eternity and unity through thirty-two secret paths of the descending Upper light and concealed itself in three categories: The book, the story-teller and the story. 2. Ten Sefirot of concealment of the Divine force manifest in twenty-two principal properties: Three root forces, seven doubles and twelve simple ones. 3. Ten Sefirot of concealment correspond to the ten fingers: Five against five, they act in unison, as a union between them acts, through the power-word of revelation and the power-word of concealment. 4. Ten Sefirot of concealment: Ten and not nine, ten and not eleven. Comprehend this by attaining the higher wisdom and be wise with understanding. Analyze and probe them, synthesize and summarize them, return the disassembled parts to their place in the Divinity. 5. Ten Sefirot of concealment: They have no beginning and no end. Their good and evil are boundless. Their exaltedness and lowliness are infinite, but one Divine force eternally governs all of these properties from above. 6. Ten Sefirot of concealment: Their vision is like lightning. No tongue can describe them completely, but one should discuss them again and again. Research the Divine force through them by the pure analysis of your speech. 7. Ten Sefirot of concealment: They veil and sparkle. Their end is embedded in their beginning, and their beginning in their end, like a flame in a burning coal. Their Master is one Divine force and there is no other. One can only define it through its actions. 8. Ten Sefirot of concealment: Bridle your mouth from speaking and your heart from thinking. If your lips long to utter words, and if your heart yearns to think, come to your senses, for the Divine force is unattainable. 9. Ten Sefirot of concealment: They conceal the Divinity that rules over the lives of the low ones, by force, light, wisdom and law. 10. Two forces come from one and form twenty-two basic properties: Three root properties, seven doubles and twelve simple ones. They are all filled with the same light.  See more at the web-site...


sermon or interpretation of the bible. (Scripture)
Dispensation: This means by G-D relates to people as through covenant and thus the 'old and 'new' dispensations. The administrations of sacraments, or the exemption from an obligation or ecclesiastical regulation. A different time period in which humans (G-D's people) are tested in responding to do G-D's will.

Dead Sea Scrolls   & Click on Title to enter the web-page of the Museum in Jerusalem; Israel  È

Isaiah Scroll Museum

Dead Sea Scrolls, collection of more than 700 Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek manuscripts discovered in a group of caves near Khirbat Qumr'n in Jordan, at the northwestern end of the Dead Sea. The leather and papyrus scrolls, which survive in varying states of preservation, came to light in a series of archaeological finds. One of the most important sources of information about the Essenes (see just below) are these "Dead Sea Scrolls" which were discovered by a group of Bedouins in 1947 at Qumran. These scrolls have helped unravel the mystery of the ancient network of spiritual communities that thrived in the desert. As the story is told, a Bedouin boy chasing his goat threw a rock into a cave, heard something smash and that was the beginning of the fantastic discovery of dozens of clay jars containing leather, papyrus, and copper scrolls. Over 900 scrolls and fragments have been discovered at Qumran and other sites in the vicinity. These include:

  • Manuscripts of every book of the Old Testament, except the Book of Esther.
  • Scrolls consisting of apocryphal manuscripts (writing not acceptable by either Judaism or parts of Christianity)
  • Pseudepigraphical works (a group of writings not included in the Biblical canon), such as Jubilees or the Book of Enoch, which were known before the discovery of the scrolls.
    Book of Enoch (PDF-File) Online:
  • Scrolls of works unknown before the discoveries at Qumran; many of these reflect the beliefs and practices of the community based at Qumran in which they were produced. These include a number of psalms and hymns.

Of particular interest is the fact that the scrolls were laboriously written or hand copied by Essene scribes taking years of loving work. Whole libraries of scrolls were carefully sealed in clay jars and hidden in the caves at Qumran, to preserve and protect them from the destruction of the Roman invasions. Others were carried to Egypt, Tibet, and other parts of the world.
Scholars from Israel, Jordan, France, England and America have spent years translating these works.
We invite you to join us in the discovery of these teachings that are both ancient and contemporary and that enrich our lives.

Qumr'n, Caves where the scrolls are found


The Essenes {Ancient} lived on the shores of lakes and rivers, away from cities and towns, and practiced a communal way of life, sharing equally in everything. They were mainly agriculturists and arbor culturists, having a vast knowledge of crops, soil and climatic conditions which enabled them to grow a great variety of fruits and vegetables in comparatively desert areas and with a minimum of labor.
They had no servants or slaves and were said to have been the first people to condemn slavery both in theory and practice. There were no rich and no poor amongst them. They established their own economic system, based wholly on the Law, and showed that all man’s food and material needs can be attained without struggle, through knowledge of the Law.
They spent much time in study, both of ancient writings and special branches of learning, such as education, healing and astronomy. …..In the use of plants and herbs for healing man and beast they were likewise proficient.
They lived a simple regular life, rising each day before sunrise to study and commune with the forces of nature, bathing in cold water as a ritual and donning white garments. After their daily labor in the fields and vineyards they partook of their meals in silence, preceding and ending it with prayer. They were entirely vegetarian in their eating and never touched flesh foods nor fermented liquids. Their evenings were devoted to study and communion with the heavenly forces. …
Their way of life enabled them to live to advanced ages of 120 years or more and they were said to have marvelous strength and endurance. In all their activities they expressed creative love.”
They were also called “Preparers of the Way.” Portions of their traditions are found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, dating back to 4000 BC. (See below).
Individuals and groups all over the world are resonating to newly discovered Essene teachings and incorporating them into their spiritual lives. There are more than 1500 references to the Essenes on the Internet. Although it is not possible to discuss the complete body of teaching here

Qumran, located a few miles from Jerusalem, was once the site of a well known Essene community. It is believed to have existed from 200 BC to 67 AD. Now a dry desert, in the time of Qumran this was fertile land. It was once the home of an estimated 4,000 Essenes who left the cities and towns to create a community. One of their major accomplishments was to make the desert bloom, creating an agricultural wonder. A sacred place, it is now an archaeological site revealing information about the Essenes who lived there, its silent stones giving testimony to a community that existed for over 300 years.

Enoch a very remarkable & Mysterious ancient prophet in the Scripture! (Before the flood of Noah) It is fair to say that the patriarch Enoch was as well known to the ancients as he is obscure to modern Bible readers. Besides giving his age (365 years), the Book of Genesis says of him only that he "walked with G-D," and afterward "he was not, because G-D had taken him" (Genesis 5:24). This exalted way of life and mysterious demise made Enoch into a figure of considerable fascination, and a cycle of legends grew up around him! Enoch biological father became the oldest person in the Scripture was Methuselah. He died when he was 969 years old! Book of Enoch (PDF-File) Online:
Enoch; a prophet and was a wise man, a great artificer, and the Lord conceived love for him and received him, that he should behold the uppermost dwellings and be an eye-witness of the wise and great and inconceivable and immutable realm of G-D Almighty, of the very wonderful and glorious and bright and many-eyed station of the Lord's servants.

 Exodus mass flight of the Hebrew people from Egypt, led by Moses


Fast to give up food for a period of time to pray or worship instead of eating


Garments High Priest  A detailed description of the eight garments (symbolic Clothes) worn by the High Priest:
The parsha continues by describing the animal offerings of the Tabernacle. The Talmud (Arachin 16a) questions the logic behind this juxtaposition. What is the connection between the priestly garments and the animal offerings? According to the Talmud, both bring about atonement. The Talmud elaborates on this idea by listing the symbolism of each garment:  (Exodus 28:4, 28:36, 28:42).  

1. The breastplate ("choshen mishpat") atones for judgments ("mishpat") that are false or corrupt.
2. The apron atones for idolatry.
3. The robe, with its pleasant-sounding bells at the hem, atones for the negative sound of evil speech ("lashon hara").
4. The cloak, reminiscent of Joseph's cloak, atones for
the crime of murder.
5. The hat, symbolizing haughtiness, atones for pride.
6. The sash, covering the trunk of the body, atones for illicit thoughts of the heart.
7. The tzitz atones for brazenness.
8. The pants, designated to cover nakedness, atone for the crime of immorality.

These eight types explains of incorrect behavior can be subdivided into two categories. Idolatry, immorality, murder, and loshon hara are severe crimes in and of themselves, while the remaining behaviors - judicial corruption, pride, immoral thoughts, and brazenness - are generally undesirable traits that cause other sins to be committed. Yet all this categorization still does not help us resolve the fundamental question: how can the garments of the High Priest atone for the Jewish people?
rattle used when Haman's name is mentioned in the retelling of the story of Esther at the festival of Purim

        I.         GOD - Elohim  אלהים   We believe that the Shema, "Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one" (Deut. 6:4), teaches that God is Echad, as so declared: a united one, a composite unity, eternally existent in plural oneness [Gen. 1:1 (Elohim: God); Gen. 1:26 "Let us make man in our image"; Gen. 2:24 Adam & Eve were created to be as one flesh (basar echad)], that He is a personal God who created us ( Gen. 1 & 2), and that He exists forever in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as mentioned in Romans 8:14-17 (Father, Spirit, and Messiah - Son) and Matt. 28:18-20 (immersing in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
{Source: }


Halakhah laws of the Talmud
Hanukiah nine-branched candlestick used at Hanukkah
Hanukkah eight-day festival of lights

As the secular year rapidly approaches its end, Jewish people in Israel and around the world, are preparing to celebrate Chanukah, the Festival of Lights.  This non-Levitical festival commemorates the defeat of the Greco-Syrian dictator Antiochus Epiphanes 180 years before the birth of Yeshua! At the height of Greco-Syrian occupation a Jewish zealot, Judah Maccabee and his brothers refused to bow down to the pagan occupiers and began a revolt that ended in the defeat and subsequent departure of their far stronger and better equipped oppressors. The Lord performed an undeniable miracle when He supernaturally kept the Eternal Flame burning after the Temple had been cleansed and rededicated.  There was only enough oil on hand for one day, but the flame burnt for the full 8 days that it took to produce a new stock of oil.  More in the Books of the Maccabees!
Illustration: Hanukkah in Lakeland; Florida; December 10; 2012; Paul van Beek & Kindell by

High Priest's Garments A detailed description above by "G" "Garments" (symbolic Clothes)
blessing ceremony at the end of Shabbat
Holocaust Jewish period of suffering under Hitler; (Nazi Germany) also known as the Shoah and the Hurban!

Jewish people suffering before the Holocaust! In 70 CE., the Romans forcefully removed Jewish people from Jerusalem and destroyed the temple, leaving only the Western Wall standing. The Jews were dispersed around Europe. Today Jews who do not live in Europe are known as the Diaspora. Without a homeland many Jews felt vulnerable. When the Roman Empire became Christian, this often led to more problems in the following centuries!
During World-war II Nazi-Germany under dictatorship of Hitler did kill millions of people from 1933 to 1945!
4,500,000 Jews from Russia, Poland, and the Baltic.
750,000  Jews from Hungary and Romania.
290,000 Jews from Germany and Austria.
105,000 Jews from the Netherlands.
90,000 Jews from France.
54,000   Jews from Greece.

Huppah canopy under which the bride and groom stand during the marriage service (Sometimes a large prayer-shawl)


Idol statue worshiped as a "god"
Israel Name given to Jacob by G-d! (Son of Isaac, grand-son of Abraham) Now it is a recognized Nation since the Israeli Declaration of Independence - 14 May1948 - by David Ben Gurion (Picture[) In ONE DAY!!!


Judaism original religion of Jewish people (The Jewish Virtual Library;  )

 jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of the Zidonians or Tyre and Sidon. King Ahab of Israel, the son of Omri, did evil in the sight of the Lord, took Jezebel in marriage and went and served Baal. Ahab coveted the vineyard of Naboth and when he could not obtain it, Jezebel slandered Naboth and he was stoned and the vineyard given to Ahab. jezebel is mentioned as the licentious false prophet of the Thyatira Church of the seven churches of Revelation.
jezebel is a figurative and spiritual name for us. She is a whore and a witch whose spirit endures in the church by taking over the “vineyard” of the Lord. She covers her face with make-up to appear more attractive. The wife of Ahab had introduced the abominations of “Astarte” worship into Israel. Jezebel slew the prophets of the Lord! She led her husband into the same idolatry and fed the prophets of Baal at her own table. She was a woman eventually destroyed by the very government she herself corrupted.
jezebel is referred to as the corrupt woman, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.
In Thyatira, the jezebel spirit was and is introducing these same vile practices into the Christian church! By attaching herself to the Christians and manipulating them, she is insisting on the right to teach and practice licentious indulgence and claiming inspiration for her teaching.
(More? See at:  The jezebel-spirit  a contending principality!)



What is Kabbalah? Although its origins are rooted in deep antiquity, from the time of ancient Babylon, the science of Kabbalah has remained virtually hidden from humanity since it appeared more than four thousand years ago.
This very concealment has sustained Kabbalah’s undying allure. Renowned scientists and philosophers of many countries, such as Newton, Leibniz, and Pico della Mirandola, have investigated and tried to understand the science of Kabbalah. However, to this very day only a few know what Kabbalah really is.
The science of Kabbalah does not speak about our world, and therefore its essence escapes people. It is impossible to comprehend the invisible, the imperceptible, and that which has not been experienced. For thousands of years, humanity was offered a wide variety of things under the name “Kabbalah”: spells, curses, and even miracles, all except for the science of Kabbalah itself. For over four thousand years, common understanding of the science of Kabbalah has been cluttered with misconceptions and misinterpretations. Therefore, first and foremost, the science of Kabbalah needs to be made clear. Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag defines Kabbalah in the following manner in his article The Essence of the Wisdom of Kabbalah:

What does Kabbalah Teach and What does Studying Kabbalah Do for MeThe science of Kabbalah is unique in the way it talks about you and me, about all of us. It doesn’t deal with anything abstract, only with the way we are created and how we function at higher levels of existence. One of its sections talks about the descent of the higher forces from the world of Infinity. The world of Infinity is our initial state, and there we exist as a single, unified system of souls, completely interconnected. Then, from the world of Infinity, we study the sequence of worlds, Sefirot and Partzufim as they descend to the world we live in.  Many Kabbalistic books have been written about it, starting with Abraham the Patriarch four thousand years ago, who wrote a book called Sefer Yetzira (The Book of Creation). The next important work is The Book of Zohar, written in the second century CE. The Zohar is followed by the works of the Ari, a renowned 16th century Kabbalist. And the twentieth century saw the appearance of the works of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag.

Kaddish prayer recited by mourners at a funeral
Kavanah intention behind a prayer
Ketubah marriage document
Ketuvim books in the Tenakh including Psalms, Proverbs, and the book of Job
Kibbutzim communal farm or village
prayer of blessing said at the beginning of Shabbat
Kiddushin Hebrew word for marriage
Kippah head covering worn by Jews or  Yarmulke (See also Yarmulke!)
Knesset place of assembly (Also used for Israeli Government)
Kosher food seen as pure and acceptable by Jews according to the Torah




Magen David Adorn Star of David
Manna bread provided for the Israelites (in the dessert) by G-d when they had escaped from Egypt
Masada scene of mass suicide of the Jewish Zealots in defiance against the Romans, now a place of pilgrimage! Menorah seven-branched candlestick
Messiah "Anointed One," a King that will be sent from G-d at the end of time! (See also Yeshua Messiah)
Messianic Judaism s a biblically based, prophetic End-time Revival movement of the Jewish & non Jewish people, who have come to believe Yeshua is the Promised Messiah of Israel!
scroll containing the Shema:

Hear, O Israel: the L-rd our G-d is one L-rd [the only L-rd]. And you shall love the L-rd your G-d with all your [mind and] heart and with your entire being and with all your might. And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your [own] minds {and} hearts; [then] You shall whet {and} sharpen them so as to make them penetrate, {and} teach {and} impress them diligently upon the [minds and] hearts of your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down and when you rise up. And you shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they shall be as frontlets (forehead bands) between your eyes. And you shall write them upon the doorposts of your house and on your gates. (Deuteronomy 6:4-9)

What is a mezuzah? A mezuzah mounted on the doorpost designates the home as Jewish, reminding us of our connection to G‑d and to our heritage. A mezuzah is not, contrary to popular belief, the outer container. The mezuzah is actually the parchment scroll within, on which the "Shema" -- a biblical passage declaring the oneness of G‑d -- is handwritten by an expert scribe.
The mezuzah is also a symbol of G‑d's watchful care over the home. The name of G‑d, Sha-dai, which appears on the reverse side of the parchment, is an acronym for the Hebrew words which mean "Guardian of the doorways of Israel." The placing of a mezuzah on the doors of a home or office protects the inhabitants -- whether they are inside or outside.

Midrash collection of commentaries on the Tenakh
Mikveh (Mikvah) Jewish ritual bath. Jewish people are performing this ritual before Yom Kippur!

Mikvah is an ancient Jewish tradition to prepare themselves before going into the Temple! Baptism is generally a purification ritual using water practiced in many of various religions including Christianity, Mandaeanism, and Sikhism. Christian baptism has its origins with the Jewish ritual of “Mikvah”. To some groups, baptism is a symbolic term meaning "identification with" (e.g. Jesus / Yeshua) having no connection with earthly ritual. Although the term baptism is not used to describe the Jewish rituals, the purification rites (or Mikvah - ritual immersion) in Jewish laws and tradition are where the ritual of baptism can find its origins. In the Tanakh, and other Jewish texts, immersion in water for ritual purification was established for specific circumstances – in order to be restored to a condition of 'ritual purity'.

Minyan ten adult male Jews needed to make a synagogue
Miracle act of G-d that suspends the law of nature
Mishnah Jewish religious books, the written-down collection of rabbis’ teachings
Mitzvot Jewish religious laws, good deeds, or duties
Moab Moab, ancient country on the hill plateau east of the Dead Sea, in what is now Jordan. Lot’s two daughters conspired to conceive children by their father. Moab was the son born to Lot and his elder daughter, in an incestuous union. The stele of King Mesha constitutes one of the most important direct accounts of the history of the world that is related in the Bible. See Picture"
Mohel person who performs the circumcision
Monotheism belief in only one G-d!
Mosaic Laws First 5 Books of the Torah (First part of Tenakh) Including the 10 commandments from G-D & 613 Laws!  
  (365 probations “Thy shall not” & 248 affirmation “Thy shall”!) See also at  10 Commandments


Ner tamid eternal light found in the synagogue
Nevi'im writings of the prophets and historical books in the Tenakh
Noachide 7 Laws Seven laws that the Torah says all must follow, which were given to Noah after the flood!
Oral law name given to the teachings that resulted from the interpretations of the laws in the Torah, subsequently written down in the Mishnah and the Talmud; Orthodox Jews who follow all the laws of the Torah closely, and uphold Orthodoxy!

The Noachide laws:
Jews believe that all people, both Jewish & non-Jewish, should follow the laws that were given to Noah after the flood.
These seven laws are the pillars of human civilization, and are named the "Seven Laws of Noah," since all humans are descended from Noah.:
1.      Do not worship idols. (false gods)
2.      Do not murder.
3.      Do not steal.
4.      Avoid sexual misconduct. (sexually immoral)
5.      Do not be cruel to animals. (Do not eat a limb removed from a live animal)
6.      Avoid blasphemy. (
Set up courts and bring offenders to justice)
7.      Worship only one G-D! (Do not curse G-D.)

Numbers in Scripture: The Hebraic roots of Christianity! The types and shadows and how the Old Testament is filled with ‘pictures’! Things what’s going to happen in the future! The area of Scriptural numbers; one’s God established of the pattern of what these numbers represent; that are all being used all throughout Scripture. They all numbers have a specific meaning! There are Divine time-cycles! When God established ‘Time’ itself in the very beginning, the ‘days’ were original numbered not named! (The seventh day is Sabbath is Saturday, according the Jewish calendar and Scripture)
See for more at: Numbers & Prophetic Timecycles


Oral law name given to the teachings that resulted from the interpretations of the laws in the Torah, subsequently written down in the Mishnah and the Talmud; Orthodox Jews who follow all the laws of the Torah closely, and uphold Orthodoxy! In traditional Jewish pharisaic/rabbinic thought, G-D reveals instructions for living through both the written scriptures and through a parallel process of orally transmitted traditions.


Pesach Hebrew for Passover, the festival that reminds Jews of how G-D rescued them from slavery in Egypt
Prayer-Shawl (Numbers 15:37-41; 38-40; Deuteronomy 22:12) The Israelites were commanded to wear fringe, tassels, or twisted coils on the corner of their garments to remind them of the commandments of the Lord and to do them. There were 39 windings in each, which equals the numerical value of the Hebrew words "the Lord is One." The Jewish men wore this garment called a, “Talis”, “Talit” or “Talith” or Jewish Prayer-Shawl all the time, not just at prayer. (See also at Prayer-Shawl)
Priestly blessing or priestly benediction, (Hebrew: ברכת כהנים‎; translit: "birkat kohanim"), also known as raising of the hands (Hebrew nesiat kapayim), or Dukhanen is a Jewish prayer recited by Kohanim during certain Jewish services. It is based on a scriptural verse: "They shall place My name upon the children of Israel, and I Myself shall bless them." It consists of the following Scriptural verses (Numbers 6:24–26) In this formula ordained by G-D - YHWH and transmitted to the priests by Moses for the blessing of Israel. Verse 27, "They shall invoke My name on behalf of the Israelites and I will bless them," makes explicit the intent of the ordained formula: to invoke the power of the Lord, who alone dispenses blessing. The threefold arrangement of the benediction may reflect an older incantation form; the three verses probably represent synonymous rather than climactic parallelism. The blessing has been customarily translated "The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and grant you peace"

And Hashem spoke unto Moshe, saying, Speak unto Aharon and unto his Banim, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the Bnei Yisroel, saying unto them, Y'varekhekha Adonai v'yishmerekha (Hashem bless thee, and keep thee); Ya'er Adonai panav eleikha vichunekha (Hashem make His face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee); Yissa Adonai panav eleikha v'yasem l'kha shalom (Hashem lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee shalom). And they shall put My Shem upon the Bnei Yisroel, and I will bless them. (BAMIDBAR 6:23-27; The Orthodox Jewish Bible)

Prophet messenger of G-D; Seer,
Purim Jewish festival which reminds Jews of Queen; Esther's rescue of the Jewish faith (from the evil man Haman)
Pushkes Jewish collection boxes


Qumran, located a few miles from Jerusalem, was once the site of a well known Essene community. It is believed to have existed from 200 BC to 67 AD. Now a dry desert, in the time of Qumran this was fertile land. It was once the home of an estimated 4,000 Essenes who left the cities and towns to create a community. One of their major accomplishments was to make the desert bloom, creating an agricultural wonder. A sacred place, it is now an archaeological site revealing information about the Essenes who lived there, its silent stones giving testimony to a community that existed for over 300 years.  (Se more about the Essenes )


Rabbi ordained Jewish religious teacher and leader
saying sorry to G-d and trying to change the way you live
Rites of passage special ceremonies that mark an important event in life, such as birth or marriage

Ruach HaKodesh   G-D THE HOLY SPIRIT

1. Introduced in Gen. 1:2b.
2. In the Tenach, the
Spirit of G-D came upon individuals during the times of our forefathers, like Moses, David (see II Sam. 23:1-3), and the Prophets, for the specific purposes.
3. In the
New Covenant, the Messiah, Yeshua, promised His disciples that "the Comforter" would come to them after He was gone, described as the Spirit of Truth (John 14:17, 26), who was with them and would be in them. Yeshua further declared that the Spirit of Truth, would guide us into all truth and would glorify Him - the Messiah - not Himself (John 16:13-15). He empowers us (Acts 1:8). He seals us [Eph. 1:13; 4:30 (see NIV and Jewish New Testatment versions)]. If we have not the Spirit, we are not His (Rom. 8:9). He leads us and teaches us (Rom. 8:14-17). His indwelling enables us to live a godly life. Acts 2:38 says, "Repent, be immersed, and receive the Holy Spirit."

When G-D came down in the Tabernacle in the time of Moses, the curtains will be expand like a men's longs and a breathing sound was been heard. This sound of breath was called: "The breath of the Holiest": "Breath" is "Roach" in Hebrew. The Ruach Ha Kodesh; The breath of the Holy Place! The breath of the holiest became known as the 'Holy breath'. 'Breath' means Spirit and became as the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit is a Person and it is not just only breath. He became like wind. (Likewise Pentecost) And 'wind' in Hebrew means "Ruach"! (This came out of the oral tradition; that is what is not recorded as in the Scriptures, but handed down by word of mouth. To avoid that the oral tradition would not be lost, they wrote it down. It was handed down)
Also there was according the Rabbinic's tradition a spoken language of G-D only during the Atonement; The "language of G-D!" (Not Hebrew)

Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year just before Feast of Tabernacles in September/October


Sandek person who holds a baby at the circumcision

Sefirot: The Sefirot and the Divine Plan according the teaching  of the Kabbalah. {with commentary by Rabbi Shimon Leiberman} (Using him as an example)  ê

The ten emanations of G-d. At their fundamental level,  a step-by-step process illuminating the Divine plan as it unfolds itself in our world.
The ten emanations of G-d are our human perceptions of G-d’s various interactions with the world

P The planning of the deed: 1. Inspired wisdom, 2. understanding &  3. knowledge. {realm of intellect}
P The substance of the deed itself: 4. kindness, 5. strength & 6.  beauty
P The practical implication of the deed: 7. victory & 8. awe.
P The enactment (or transfer) of the deed: 9. foundation.
P The enacted deed: 10. Kingship

·         The Ten Sefirot  are:
Chochmah - wisdom,
Binah - understanding,
Chessed - kindness,
Gevura - strength,
Tiferet - beauty,
Netzach - victory,
Hod - awe,
Yesod - foundation,
Malchut - monarchy.

Sometimes the Sefirot are listed without Keter, and then Da'at -wisdom, is included between Bina and Chesed.

Scapegoating practice of blaming a group for misfortune!

Why is it that some people are especially bullied or picked on while others are left alone? Perhaps they stand out in some way: They may have a different hair color or a strong accent, or a different color skin. Perhaps they come from another country. Sometimes people have latched onto one group or another and singled them out for bad treatment. Perhaps they have used them to take out their own feelings of failure or weakness. This is sometimes called scapegoating, after a practice the Jewish people used to do when they lived in the desert. A priest would choose a goat and recite over the animal the sins that the people felt were cutting them of from God. The goat would then be driven out into the desert to remove the bad things they had done. The modern scapegoat takes the anger or sense or failure of people today.

Semikhah (Hebrew: סמיכה‎, "leaning [of the hands]"), also semichut (Hebrew: סמיכות‎, "ordination"), or semicha lerabbanut (Hebrew: סמיכה לרבנות‎, "rabbinical ordination") is derived from a Hebrew word which means to "rely on" or "to be authorized". It generally refers to the ordination of a rabbi within Judaism. In this sense it is the "transmission" of rabbinic authority to give advice or judgment in Jewish law. Although presently most functioning synagogue rabbis hold semikhah by some rabbinical institution or academy, this was until quite recently not always required, and in fact many Haredi rabbis may not be required to hold a "formal" semikhah even though they may occupy important rabbinical and leadership positions.
Jews whose ancestors came from Mediterranean countries, especially Spain, N-Africa, & Middle East
Shabbat Jewish name for the Holy day also known as the Sabbath (7-th day; rest) (Saturday)
Shalom Hebrew word for peace and wholeness:

The Hebrew word Shalom is understood around the world to mean “peace”! But peace is only one small part of the meaning of the word shalom! It means much more than "peace", "hello" or "goodbye"!  It represent: Completeness, wholeness, health, peace, welfare, safety soundness, tranquility, prosperity, perfectness, fullness, rest, harmony, and the absence of agitation or discord.  Shalom comes from the root verb “Shalem” meaning to be complete; perfect and full!  In Modern Hebrew the obviously related word “Shelem” means to pay for, and “Shulam” means to be fully paid! So in essence, when you speak out the word shalom - you are not only proclaiming peace, but all the above meanings of the word over that person - that's a mighty blessing!

Sheloshin thirty days of mourning after the death of a relative
Shema prayer used by Jews affirming belief in one G-D
Shiva first seven days after the death of a relative
Shofar ram's horn used in synagogue services! (See also the site of Shofar!)
Sholom Zochor celebration of a baby boy's birth
Siddur Jewish prayer book
Sidra part of the Torah read in the synagogue service on Shabbat
Synagogue Jewish place of teaching mainly the Torah and the Tenakh.


Tallit prayer shawl used by Jews including 613 tassels to remind them of the Torah- laws! (See also the site of Tallit!)
There is a biblical command to attach fringes to the corners of four-cornered garments. The garments which sport these fringes, known as tallit and tzitzit serves as constant reminders of our obligations to G-d and our fellows. The following articles will give you the basics of this unique mitzvah, as well as in-depth studies, insights, inspiring stories, and taste of its kabbalistic meaning, too.

Many Jewish people wear a Tallit, a specially made prayer shawl, when they pray! lt's contains 613 strands, which represent the 613 laws in the Torah that they must try to follow. Traditionally, only men wore Tallit, but today some women wear them as well.

Talmud Jewish religious book (About 250 before BC only oral!)
Tefillin leather boxes used by Jews in prayer;

Tefillin are two small black boxes with black straps attached to them, that contain the Shema prayer; Jewish (Orthodox) men are required to place one box on their head and tie the other one on their arm each weekday morning. Tefillin are biblical in origin, and are commanded within the context of several laws outlining a Jew's relationship to G-d. "And you shall love the L-rd your G-d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might. Take to heart these instructions with which I charge you this day. Impress them upon your children. Recite them when you stay at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you get up. Bind them as a sign on your hand and let them serve as a frontlet between your eyes" (Deuteronomy 6:5-8). The Shema tells Jews to love G-d with total head and heart!
Certain Jewish groups — including probably the Sadducees, and definitely the medieval Karaites — understood the last verse to be figurative; it means only that one should always be preoccupied with words of Torah, as if they were in front of one's eyes. The Pharisees, however, took the text literally; the words of the Torah are to be inscribed on a scroll and placed directly between one's eyes and on one's arm. Tefillin are wrapped around the arm seven times, and the straps on the head are adjusted so they fit snugly.
The text that is inserted inside the two boxes of Tefillin is hand-written by a scribe, and consists of the four sets of biblical verses in which Tefillin are commanded
(Exodus 13:1-10, 11-16; Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:13-21).
Putting on Tefillin is the first mitzvah assumed by a Jewish male upon his Bar Mitzvah. Usually, boys are trained to start wearing them one to two months before their thirteenth Hebrew birthday. During the training period, boys don Tefillin, but do not recite a blessing. Subsequent to the Bar Mitzvah, a specific blessing, "Blessed are You, Lord our God, King of the universe, who has sanctified us with His commandments and commanded us to put on Tefillin, " is recited whenever they are worn. Many Jews say an additional blessing and prayer upon putting on Tefillin.
Illustration: Hanukkah in Lakeland; Florida; December 10; 2012; Paul van Beek with the Rabbi

“You have a brain. It is in one world. Your heart is in another. And your hands often end up involved in something completely foreign to both of them. Three diverse "machines". “So you put on tefillin. First thing in the day, you connect your head, your heart and your hand with these leather cables -- all to work as one with one intent. And then when you go out to meet the world, all your actions find harmony in a single coordinated purpose…”

Temple When a person builds a house, he makes the windows narrow on the outside and wider on the inside, so that they should draw in light from the outside. But when King Solomon build the Holy Temple in Jerusalem he made the windows narrow within and wide without, so that its light should emanate to the outside and illuminate the world Source:

Tenakh Jewish name for the Old Testament, (Scriptures) comprised of the Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim
Ten Commandments See at Commandments

Tetragrammaton The essence of faith and the basis for understanding the unity of G‑d is to understand the applications for each Name. For all His Names that are mentioned in the Torah are included in the Tetragrammaton, Havayah, which is similar to a tree trunk. Each of the other Names - those which I have compared to roots and branches and other hidden treasures - has a unique function. So it is with the comprehension of the blessed Holy Names: there are Names in charge of prayer, mercy and forgiveness, while others are in charge of tears and sadness, injury and tribulations, sustenance and income, or heroism, loving-kindness and grace.

The four-letter {YHVH} Name of HASHEM  indicates that G-d is timeless and infinite, for the letters of His {Holy & Awesome} Name are those of the words { } He was, He is, and He will be. This Name appears in some additions with vowel points. { } and in others, such as the present edition, without vowels. In either case, this {Holy & Awesome} Name is never pronounced as it is spelled. During prayer, or when a blessing is recited, or when a Torah {Scripture from first 5 Books of Moses} verse is read, the Four-letter Name should be pronounced as if it were spelled { } A-do-nai, the Name that indentifies G-d as the Master of ALL. At other times, it be pronounced { } Hashem, literally, "the Name"! (Source: The Chumash: The Stone Edition; pg 33 & Introduction/Pronouncing the Names of G-d)

{אלהים} "E-lo-him", the Name that refers to G-d. This Name denotes G-d in His Attribute of Justice, as Ruler, Lawgiver, and Judge over the world. By using this Name exclusively in the narrative of Creation

The Hebrew “tetragrammaton”, YHVH, is the way the Name of G-d appears in the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrew language is a consonantal language, possessing no vowels. Vowels were pronounced, but not written. They were transmitted orally from generation to generation. This may like a difficult system, and quite strange to us, but it is not that difficult.
ust as you can decipher that THS S TH WY TH HBRW PPL WRT BCK THN, means "this is the way Hebrew people wrote back then," so could they easily pronounce words without vowels.

See for more at web-Page "Person of the Father"

Theist person who believes in the existence of a 'god'!
Books of the Law {G-d's Teaching's}, the first five books of the Tenakh;
Scriptures; The 5 Books of Moses; Pentateuch
In a second attempt to translate the Torah into Greek (after an unsuccessful attempt 61 years earlier), the ruling Greek-Egyptian emperor Ptolemy gathered 72 Torah sages, had them sequestered in 72 separate rooms, and ordered them to each produce a translation. On the 8th of Tevet of the year 3515 from creation (246 BCE) they produced 72 corresponding translations, including identical changes in 13 places (where they each felt that a literal translation would constitute a corruption of the Torah's true meaning). This Greek rendition became known as the Septuagint, "of the seventy" (though later versions that carry this name are not believed to be true to the originals). Greek became a significant second language among Jews as a result of this translation. During Talmudic times, Tevet 8 was observed by some as a fast day, expressing the fear of the detrimental effect of the translation.
Links: The Day Before; Translating Truth; more on translation




Vach nacht night before a baby boy's circumcision


Warden person in charge of the smooth running of the synagogue service




Yad pointer used when reading the Torah scrolls
Yahrzeit ceremony one year after the death of a loved one to recall their passing
Yarmulke (See also Kippah!) head covering worn by Jews
College for rabbis and students of the Jewish Scriptures
Yeshua the Hebrew name for Jesus and His name means: "the Lord saves"!
Yeshua Messiah the promised Messiah, accepted by Messianic Jews & Christians; not by orthodox Jews!
Yiddish (ייִדיש yidish or אידיש idish, literally "Jewish") is a High German language of Ashkenazi Jewish origin, spoken throughout the world. It developed as a fusion of German dialects with Hebrew, Slavic languages and traces of Romance languages. It is written in the Hebrew alphabet.
The language originated in the Ashkenazi culture that developed from about the 10th century in the Rhineland and then spread to Central and Eastern Europe and eventually to other continents. In the earliest surviving references to it, the language is called לשון־אַשכּנז (loshn-ashknez = "language of Ashkenaz") and טײַטש (taytsh, a variant of tiutsch, the contemporary name for the language otherwise spoken in the region of origin, now called Middle High German). In common usage, the language is called מאַמע־לשון (mame-loshn, literally "mother tongue"), distinguishing it from Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, which are collectively termed לשון־קודש (loshn-koydesh, "holy tongue").

Yom Kippur
Day of Atonement (See for more at Atonement!)


Zealots Jewish freedom fighters from the first century CE. (Barnabas was one of them!)
Zionism belief in the need for a Jewish homeland based in the Middle East, with Jerusalem as its capital! (Israel)

Zohar: The Zohar is a collection of commentaries on the Torah, intended to guide people who have already achieved high spiritual degrees to the root (origin) of their souls. The Zohar itself is written in the form of a commentary on the Bible. The stories in the Scripture are not just stories, for within them are buried the secrets of the Universe. Through understanding their inner dimension, we research deep into that Infinite Wisdom which G‑d has been waiting for us to discover. And we must thank the Creator for making these stories so unfathomable as to spur us on to keep digging until we find the "light" within.
The Zohar contains all the spiritual states that people experience as their souls evolve. At the end of the process, the souls achieve what Kabbalah refers to as “the end of correction,” the highest level of spiritual wholeness
To those without spiritual attainment, The Zohar reads like a collection of allegories and legends that can be interpreted and perceived differently by each individual. But to those with spiritual attainment, i.e. Kabbalists, The Zohar is a practical guide to inner actions that one performs in order to discover deeper, higher states of perception and sensation.

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